
Today was our first afternoon Yoga class, in the park in Varsity Lakes. It’s different to our peaceful early morning classes – In the afternoon there are many people, adults relaxing by the lake, children rushing about, bicycles, dogs, and everyone still on the move from their busy day. As we roll out our mats and start to wind down into peace amongst all the activity which then slowly starts to fade.

We start with physical asanas and begin to stretch our muscles and rotate our joints, remembering how nice it feels just to connect with our own body and breathe freely – we wouldn’t want to be any where else. We move into some stronger standing poses and successfully balance for a time in Tree Pose, even our newbies held fantastic Tree Poses – Everyone seemed to have great balance today!! Well done girls!

After our strength work the park has cleared of people and activity, just in time for us to go deeper into relaxation by finishing class with a short relaxing meditation.