
Yoga in the Workplace

A great addition to any company’s employee wellness program

Yoga is a practice which companies can include in their company’s wellness programs and at events and team building days.

There are many benefits of incorporating yoga into your workplace, including increased productivity and increased energy levels.

Below are 10 top benefits of doing yoga at work:

1. Increased Energy

While trying to balance work and family life, we often become victims to a sedentary lifestyle. Working long hours in an office every day can decrease blood circulation and creates stress which causes fatigue and lowers your energy. Any kind of physical exercise, even moderate stretching, has been known to increase blood circulation and help produce energy. Yoga, through its dynamic movements, is great for increasing blood flow throughout the body and helping to reduce fatigue.

2. Increased Confidence

The exercises and poses of Yoga are designed to make people more flexible while improving their muscle strength and cardiovascular health. Being physically fit and flexible creates confidence in a person. This confidence slowly transfers over to all aspects of his life.

3. Reduced Stress

Long hours at work can be very stressful. Stress is one of the major factors which affects workplace productivity and employee health. 

Yoga is one of the best ways to combat stress and its negative effects. It has been shown to reduce cortisol, the stress hormone. Taking time out to do a little yoga can greatly reduce stress and eliminate all the aspects associated with it.

4. Increased Focus

The poses and meditation of yoga can help clear away mental clutter, helping your employees to be more alert, focused, and productive. Yoga also improves blood circulation in the brain, improving brain function.

Moreover, yoga and meditation can teach your employees to have a still and focused mind. This is a very useful skill to have in a demanding work environment.

5. Better Immunity

Doing yoga regularly strengthens your immune system and stimulates your lymphatic system to remove toxins from the body. It aids in blood circulation, bringing oxygenated blood to the internal organs to help them function optimally. It also helps in stress reduction and eliminating aches and pains.

6. Improved Posture

Corporate employees spend most of their time sitting in chairs for long hours, hunched forward to stare at their computers. Oblivious to them, this unnatural position is detrimental to their health and can cause back and neck pain over time, which can further impact their productivity.

Back pain is one of the main reasons why people take up yoga. Yoga can help relieve pain through its stretches and poses. Its poses stretch major muscle groups and help increase flexibility to prevent stiffness and joint pains.

7. Less Irritability

Employees who are less stressed are more likely to be productive than employees who are not. Those employees are more likely to function harmoniously with each other and can handle situations with a calm and rational mind. This is just another great reason why engaging in one or two sessions of yoga every week is so beneficial to workplace productivity and employee health.

8. Increased Morale

With its stress reduction properties, yoga is very helpful in elevating your employees’ mood and keeping their frustrations at bay. It is a great way to improve both mental and physical health, helping them to be more motivated and confident.

With all its benefits, yoga boosts morale which will help create a harmonious workplace. It’s easy to organise a yoga class for your employees to introduce them to yoga and promote its health benefits which in turn will create a healthy workforce.

9. Better Flexibility

Being flexible has lots of benefits including preventing injury and helping improve posture. It also lowers blood pressure and reduced chronic joint pain. 

Yoga poses require a great deal of flexibility and with lots of practice, it increases your employees’ flexibility. Also, by increasing flexibility, they learn how to apply it in other aspects of their lives. They learn how to go with the flow of things and not get worked up about little things. Situations which felt hard and inflexible do not feel so rigid anymore.

10. Increased Productivity

Yoga increases energy levels and boosts employee morale, making them more productive in their work. Yoga benefits not only the physical health of your employees but also benefits your workplace in many ways. 

When your employees are free of any kind of pain or health problems, they will be present more often and be more attentive, productive and focused.

In Conclusion

Incorporating yoga into your employees’ lives can improve their mental and physical health. The poses of yoga can help reduce physical pain and workplace stress.

With energy levels increased, your employees will be more productive and motivated to work. 

So, encourage your employees to spend some time practicing yoga regularly because when they are healthy and fit, they are less likely to take sick days and will be more likely to be productive at work, and overall be happier.

Corporate Yoga Sessions

Jodie can come to your workplace or next work event, team building day and teach a rounded yoga class or cater to your specific requirements.

A class usually runs for 1 hour and often incorporates breathing exercises, relaxation, temple massage (optional) mindfulness, positive affirmations/mindset, physical stretching and strengthening poses, with an emphasis on relieving tight neck, shoulder and back muscles.

The pricing is:

up to < 10 people = $200
< 20 people = $250
< 30 people = $300

You supply the room and Jodie brings along all the mats and props, music etc. If you have a shorter or longer time slot enquire today so we can propose a custom plan for your workplace. Or you can pay an additional $30 and come to our Yoga Studio for your session.