Have you ever considered homeschooling?
Some reasons to consider it could be;
- That you feel your children aren’t fitting in to the current school system.
- Issues with bullying not being dealt with in a responsible manner.
- Issues being swept under a carpet.
- Finding teachers are stressed and full of anxieties and your little ones are absorbing it.
- Maybe feeling like your child isn’t receiving the level of education they should be.
- Your children learn in different ways and the current school system isn’t fully supporting them to the level you would prefer.
- Would like to have more input into your child’s learning.
- Your child/ren have lost the will to learn, going to school feels a chore rather than a joy.
- You’d like to see your kids enjoying learning, thriving, bubbly, full of life, living from their heart centre, not feeling suppressed, or full of anxiety’s.
- You know homeschooled kids generally learn faster than traditional school systems leaving them lots of extra time for nature play, or to learn and focus more on the things they are super interested and intrigued by in life.
- You’d like more flexibility in your family unit.
Reasons why you haven’t homeschooled yet could be;
- That you never knew where to start?
- Worried about the children missing a social aspect and being isolated from the many friendships they have created at school.
- Worried what other people might think?
- You might be scared of the unknown.
- Wondering where you would find the time to school them? Do you know homeschooling doesn’t mean your child sitting at home in a classroom type environment like that at school now – pop your details below to find out more about what homeschooling can look like.
With more modern ways homeschooling has become a popular option and there are a group of ladies in our local community who are just at the ‘ideas’ phase of what has potential to be an amazing project. So I’d like to help them gauge interest of any others in our community who could be looking for alternative ways too?
What is being envisioned is support for people starting their homeschool journey from applications through to being a part of a homeschool co-op which means shared resources, the kids might all meet together once a week for nature play, learning in the outdoors, learning through doing, social interactions etc. with enough families interested a private teacher could be hired to further enhance the childrens learning etc.
It would be a holistic approach to their learning, including aspects of supporting each individuals emotional, physical, mental needs, giving them space to ‘be’ and express their own energy without judgement or suppression. Any spiritual / religious aspects children and families held would be respected and supported but no religious aspects taught within the co-op, that would be kept for teachings in your home. It would be an all inclusive, holistic co-op that could basically be created to suit the ideas and the children and families within it. It could likely include some Montessori philosophy and other similar, successful learning environments. As it’s only in an ‘ideas phase’ these ladies would love your feedback below, please even if you’re only 10% interested in the idea, just submit your details anyway so we can keep you in the loop along this journey. If you know someone else who this might resonate with please share it with them also.
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