Mums & Bubs Yoga

Thank you for your interest in Mums, Bubs & Toddlers Yoga!!!

We need Mums, Bubs & Toddlers to make these classes happen, so please share the word with any other Mummy friends. Adding Toddlers to a Yoga class does make the class feel a little more ‘busy’ some weeks, especially compared to just Mums & Bubs or normal Yoga classes, it’s an extra challenge, but it’s still a wonderful chance to practice without finding care for your little one/s, and those Mums that join find great benefit within themselves, physically, mentally, emotionally, and its a great space and fun for the Babies and Toddlers to interact. But the best thing Mum can learn to do is not get hung up if Baby or Toddler doesn’t behave in the way you expected one week….. every week is different…. so we learn to go with the flow and let go all expectations….. once we do that, we have a wonderful experience, at Yoga and in all of life 🙂

Express Interest

    Name (required)

    Email (required)


    Have you done Yoga before?

    How old is your baby/s?

    Please express ALL SUITABLE times for you? (60mins)

    Please express the BEST time for you? (60mins)

    Optional Message

    [honeypot contactrr-866]

    During Mums, Bubs & Toddlers Yoga classes, you can expect to stretch and flex your body, increasing physical strength and flexibility. Releasing those tight shoulders and backs from carrying baby, and feeding in strange positions etc. We do breathing exercises to help balance the mind, SO great for those sleepless nights, we can practice at home for inner strength and generating more energy when we start to run on empty as Mum’s during those times of physical exhaustion. Pelvic floor exercises, which are so important before and after birth. You will learn Baby Massage, some natural tips and tricks for everyday life….. along with much, much more. You will also be spending 1 hour quality time on yourself and baby without a mobile phone or other distractions.

    These are relaxed classes, if you are running late, no problems, still join us, if you need to feed baby mid-class, no problems, if you need to change baby, no problems… you bring your drink bottle and snacks if you need them. You can bring a couple small toys or books to have on the mat with you in-case you think bub will need extra stimulation, but usually they just stare up at you with intrigue watching Muma do her Yoga. If you need to bring bub in the pram because they are asleep, no problems. If bub falls asleep on the mat, no problems. Life happens, and Yoga helps us learn to go with the flow. Whatever you need, you bring to class with you, these are supportive classes for your health, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual – Yoga means Union, Union of mind, body, soul and all things. These classes over time will help you personally develop in positive ways if you let them, and they are really fun!!

    I have mats and other props for you to borrow, please express your interest below and any questions.

    What do Mum’s say?


    Newspaper Article

    Mums and Bubs Yoga

    (Note the day, time and location is yet to be confirmed. The above is an old Newspaper Article. Please express interest now.)

    Express Interest

      Name (required)

      Email (required)


      Have you done Yoga before?

      How old is your baby/s?

      Please express ALL SUITABLE times for you? (60mins)

      Please express the BEST time for you? (60mins)

      Optional Message

      [honeypot contactrr-866]