The Stellar Dome® is a healthy negative charge resonance field generator designed to balance the unhealthy positive charge resonance created by 5G and all forms of EMR, RF, Wi-Fi, Earth Radiation and human-generated Bioplasmic Radiation.

Ley lines (a radiant, healthy earth radiation Grid Line) create a healthy radiance, and up until now, there has been no other product in the world which can re-create that quality of energy…. Until the Stellar Dome® was developed!  The Stellar Dome® creates that beautiful radiance the same as a Ley line.  An example of beautiful Ley Lines are the energy lines that cross at Stone Henge, and the energy lines that a lot of European Cathedrals are built on.

5G radiation, high solar wind speeds and certain days of Mercury retrograde all interfere with the Ley Line radiance, however, the Stellar Dome® is not affected by these noxious energies.

The Stellar Dome® was tested for 100% effectiveness against 5G in February, 2019 in Dickson, Canberra where 5G was actively operating.

The Stellar Dome® is unique in the world; having the ability to potentially harmonize over 30 sources of noxious EMR fields and having a harmonizing effect to the boundaries of a property (view list here).


Read More at: Orgone Effects Australia