Time to Sleep Audio Download

(12 Minutes) (7.2MB Download)

This is a downloadable Sleep Audio recording created by Jodie Ross to help aid and guide you to a faster, deeper better nights sleep. Good quality sleep is so essential for quality of life and sometimes after stressful events or too much activity in the mind we need to re-train the mind to slow down and switch off from thoughts so that the body can relax into a deep, restful nights sleep.  

Once you purchase this Audio and pay via. Cash or Direct Debit you will be emailed the Time to Sleep Audio File. You can play it back through any device like your phone, tablet, or computer etc. It’s great to play over and over before sleep on those nights you just can’t switch off. 

All you need to do is focus and just listen to the track just before sleep, it basically guides your consciousness to different parts of your body relaxing them… you will need to listen and focus, and follow exactly what it says to get the best results.

The first few times you listen to it your mind may wonder and you may be interrupted by thinking about other things, random thoughts from throughout your day etc. Just keep guiding your focus back to your breath and focus on the words in the audio track. The mind is a very interesting, complex thing and learning to master the mind is taking control of your life so you are in control of all things, and are no longer being controlled by external influences.

Please listen to the audio track each night to help relax your system and get some deeper sleep happening. It’s like anything, if you go to the gym once, you don’t expect to walk out with increased muscles straightaway, but if you do a little repetitively over time, all of a sudden you don’t know the new, amazing you. There is no quick fixes in life, you don’t take a magic pill, you just make positive changes and small steps over time in the right direction and all of a sudden things shift and different patterns and habits start to set. The more you can use this audio track at the start, the quicker your system will find a new routine and will no longer require the MP3 – you will maybe just use it sometimes, when you really can’t sleep.