EMF Solutions

Are you 5G ready?
A vast 5G infrastructure is now being rolled out and ready to go. Protect yourself and your family with the Geoclense®

Exposure to strong electromagnetic forces which create unhealthy energetic conditions may result in mild to major health consequences. It is not disputed that harmful electromagnetic fields at any level, can trigger biological effects and attribute a diffuse collection of symptoms…

  • Nausea, headaches and other physical discomfort
  • Trouble concentrating and foggy brain
  • Lethargy and fatigue
  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Electro-Hypersensitivity
  • Negative emotional energies of depression, anxiety and anger

Did You Know?

EMF Protection

We can be exposed to over 30 different types of harmful EMR fields in our homes and workplaces including Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), Earth Radiation (Geopathic Stress), Bioplasmic Radiation (Human Generated) and Solar and Planetary Radiation imprints.

  • 4G & 5G Tower Emissions
  • Wi-Fi
  • Digital TV’s
  • Smart Meters
  • Microwave Ovens
  • Fluorescent Lighting
  • Laptops and Tablets
  • Electrical Appliances
  • Mobile Phone Towers
  • Electrical Power Lines
  • Cordless and Mobile Phones
  • Artificial Heating and Cooling
  • High-Voltage Power Lines
  • Water Veins
  • Baby Monitors
  • Smart Watches
  • Bluetooth Devices
  • Earth Magnetic Grid Lines
  • Mold & Fungus Resonance
  • Psychic Attack Impressions
  • Emotional, illness & death imprints
  • Radioactive Geological matter (Uranium & Coal)
  • And more…
EMR creates resonant stress on the human bio-field which directly affects our organs, meridians, nervous system and hormones. This may lead to a compromised immune system, health issues, and an inability to recover from an illness.  What people don’t realize is that EMR also negatively impacts our emotional well-being.

There is a Solution! Orgone Effects® EMR Harmonizing Products.

EMF ProtectionOrgone Effects® offer an extensive range of health practitioner approved EMR harmonizing products to neutralize the harmful effects of all forms of noxious energy emissions we’re exposed to.

The Geoclense® Home and Workplace Harmonizer is much more than a 5G, electrical and Wi-Fi radiation harmonizer; uniquely programmed to neutralize over 30 different types of harmful EMR fields.

What makes Orgone Effects® distinctly different and sets them apart…

is their pioneering Orgonium Technology (Patent Pending) which is unalike to anyone else’s, their large range of health practitioner approved EMR Harmonizing products, and ongoing research into EMR fields beyond the normal, and their intuitive Building Biology house readings and experience.

Please find below a range of EMF protectant products available to you. These products are ordered in bulk once we have enough orders, so there could be a wait time on your products, or an additional fee if you require them sooner.

  • An energized toothbrush with Ionized bristles. The negative charge resonance from the bristles ionizes the saliva and toothpaste which then attracts the positive charged plaque. Read More at: Orgone Effects Australia
  • Sale!

    Mobile Phone and Wi-Fi Radiation Harmonizer

    Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $30.00.
    Neutralizes noxious EMR emitted from your mobile phone, laptop and all portable devices. The Mobile Phone and Wi-Fi Radiation Harmonizer is designed to neutralize the potentially harmful positive charged Electromagnetic Fields from all types of mobile phones, cordless phones, laptops and tablets, iPads, portable Wi-Fi Hotspots and Wi-Fi modems. Read more at: Orgone Effects Australia
  • Sale!

    Watch and Personal Tracker Harmonizer

    Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $30.00.
    The  Watch and Personal Tracker Harmonizer is designed to neutralize EMR emitted from small electronic devicessuch as Wrist Watches, Smart Watches, Sports Watches, Activity Trackers, Junior Trackers, Kids’ Fitness Trackers, Wireless Sports Headphones, GPS units, Bluetooth earpieces, Hearing Aids and a PC mouse. Having an electronic device in contact with the skin may interfere with the meridian energy and nervous system and may also create resonant stress in other organs of the body. Read More at: Orgone Effects Australia
  • The Ener-Band has been designed as an alternative to wearing an Orgone Pendant or Harmonywear Pendant. The Ener-Band creates a harmonizing field of negative charge around your body that may support and balance the human energy fields and meridians, neutralizing the depleting positive charge energy influences from all sources of potentially harmful Electromagnetic Radiation fields. Read More at: Orgone Effects Australia
  • Iron-on patch that neutralizes the effects of harmful EMR fields around the wearer.
    The perfect solution for situations where wearing a pendant or jewellery for EMR protection may not be practical, safe or allowed such as in schools, an industrial work place or sporting activity.
    Read More at: Orgone Effects Australia
  • Sale!

    Ener-Yoga Mat Patch

    Original price was: $42.00.Current price is: $36.00.
    The Ener-Yoga Mat Patch is permanently energized and the negative charge will not decay over time. Made from a durable high strength material. Instructions for use: Simply stick the patch to the underside of your favourite yoga mat in any location.
  • Ener-Soles are energized shoe insoles designed to gently energize the reflexology points and meridian pathways on the underside of your feet. Wearing Ener-Soles creates a gentle, negative charge energy in the feet that is both invigorating and pleasurable.  Ener-Soles also provide suitable EMF protection for the whole body. Read More at: Orgone Effects Australia
  • Sale!

    Stellar Pendant™

    Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $52.00.
    A star performer for personal protection against Electromagnetic Radiation when you’re out and about. The outstanding Stellar Pendant™ creates a harmonizing field of a healthy negative charge up to 8 meters around the body, neutralizing the depleting positive charge energy influences emitted from all sources of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR). Introducing the new Stellar Pendant™!  Our testing showed that the Stellar Pendant™ offered protection for up to 8 meters around the wearer.  The Stellar Pendant™ has undergone an infusion process unique to Orgone Effects® which gives the pendant a negative charge frequency.  The infusion has a negative charge, EMF has a positive charge; which is the harmful component to any EMF field.  The negative charge balances the positive charge which then neutralises any EMF stress in the body. Wearing the Stellar Pendant™ may have a supportive and strengthening effect on our energy bodies, meridian system and vital organs which are weakened by the various harmful EMR fields we are exposed to daily when we’re out and about.
    GDV Kirlian Photography GDV Kirlian Photography: The above image shows the Aura with no personal protection. The right image shows the Aura after wearing the Stellar Pendantfor 24hrs.
    Download the PDF file: The Effect of the Pendant on the Human Body here. People who are very sensitive to EMF and suffer from Electro-hypersensitivity may find the Stellar Pendant™ particularly helpful.  Created for continued EMF protection while you're out and about and away from the protection of the Geoclense® at home or work. The Stellar Pendant™ neutralizes the effects of over 30 different harmful, noxious energies (view list here). A stellar example of the Art of Harmonizing EMF fields. Read More at: Orgone Effects Australia.
  • Enhances the energetic qualities of liquids and food. The Water & Food Rejuvenation Plates are designed to infuse a negative charge to energize liquids and food and also dissolve any residual energy to improve frequency, taste and hydration qualities. The Water & Food Rejuvenation Plates are designed to infuse a negative charge to energize liquids and food to improve their frequency, taste and hydration qualities. Buy the Kitchen Pack here and Save Read More at: Orgone Effects Australia
  • THE USB STICK CAR EMR HARMONIZER HAS ARRIVED! Neutralizes noxious EMR fields unique to motor vehicles such as the engine, electrical system, fuel in the petrol tank and exhaust pipe. By installing a Car EMR Harmonizer, the noxious positive charge fields are replaced with a vibrant and healthy negative charge atmosphere. The Car EMR Harmonizer neutralizes all noxious energies caused by the car’s electrical system, the back-seat area over the fuel tank, and the effects of outside influences such as Earth Magnetic Grid Lines we’re exposed to while driving. The noxious EMR field produced by the car’s electrical system totally engulfs all occupants, placing them in a dangerous positive charge field which may deprive its occupants of oxygen, deplete them of energy, cause nausea and fatigue, and also affect the driver’s concentration levels. Because of the noxious resonance of petrol in the tank, the area directly above the fuel tank creates a major problem to the well-being of back seat passengers who are often children, causing the common complaint of nausea i.e. “car sickness”. The Car EMR Harmonizer may address this issue by harmonizing the resonance of the petrol within the tank to a negative charge, thus eliminating this energetic problem. The frequency of Earth Magnetic Grid Lines that pass under the car while driving has a debilitating effect on the occupants, which can exacerbate the already noxious energies within the car. The engine exhaust gauges and exhaust pipe are another source of strong positive charge that affects the front and back seat passengers. With the Car EMR Harmonizer installed, the exhaust gases are transformed to now produce a negative charge resonance, making for cleaner emissions and fewer greenhouse gases. By installing a Car EMR Harmonizer, the noxious positive charge fields are replaced with a vibrant and healthy negative charge atmosphere. Read More at: Orgone Effects Australia
  • Harmonizes the noxious energy on planes when traveling.
    Finally, a Harmonizer that balances the overwhelming positive charge noxious energies experienced in an aircraft cabin to a healthy negative charge. The Stellar Cabin Disk for use in aircraft while traveling is now more powerful with its radiant effect now built-in, creating an even better aircraft cabin energetic environment, and better for you in those chaotic and frantic airport terminal buildings. Did you know that an Aircraft cabin may have the same amount of energy-depleting positive charge that an electrical sub-station could have?  This is one reason why passengers may feel various uncomfortable symptoms while in the air and after flying. The Stellar Cabin Disk Harmonizer may help to neutralize the overwhelming noxious positive charge to a healthy negative charge, which may allow passengers to breathe easier and feel fresher for longer, without the air travel sickness and jet lag symptoms that many experience when traveling on a plane. Due to the very close proximity to other passengers, the Stellar Cabin Disk may also aid in neutralizing the positive charge of human-generated Bioplasmic Radiation created by emotional or physical illness distress that nearby passengers may be experiencing. Field testing of the Stellar Cabin Disk Harmonizer using Bio-feedback found that stress on the nervous system and meridian pathways were greatly improved, and the healthy negative charge resonance enabled passengers to experience a more relaxed and nausea-free flight. READ: The history of the Aircraft Cabin Disk by Gerard Bini Founder of Orgone Effects.
    Read More at: Orgone Effects Australia
  • Sale!

    Geoclense® Home and Workplace Harmonizer

    Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $180.00.
    The Geoclense® neutralizes over 30 noxious EMR fields unique to buildings in the home and workplace. The Geoclense® is a healthy, negative charge resonance field generator designed to balance the noxious, unhealthy positive charge resonance created by all forms of EMR, Wi-Fi, RF, Earth Radiation and Bioplasmic Radiation. Read >What The Experts Are Saying and >What Our Customers Are Saying here. Buy a Twin pack (2 Geoclense® Home and Workplace Harmonizer's) and receive a discount. 2 for $280. Read more at: Orgone Effects Australia.


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